Tales of Mom Ellis

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A word on fasting.......

I would like to share with you a devotional from"Besides the still waters "that really encouraged me about fasting: "The Lord asks a pointed question in Isaiah 58:6. He was not pleased with the way the Jewish peaple fasted.Theirs was a formal fast which they did only because that certain day was a special day to fast. It was kept in much the same way as the feasts were kept. There is a wrong way and a right way to fast. The Lord says the right way to fast is to have a burden, when something is heavy on our hearts. We fast then because this burden takes priority , to the point that food takes second place. The Lord knows our attitude, and He takes note of it.
Isaiah 58:8 tells us that fasting will affect three areas in our lives.Fasting will affect us mentally, helping us to think clearly; it will affect our physical health; and it will enhance our spiritual life.
It is not in vain to refrain from food for a day ot two, or even more. The Lord will richly reward us for it.
Mean business with God- Fast! "
As I ponder this, I can recall many times when God has prompted my by His Holy Spirit to fast for certain situations that were "burdens" weighing heavily on my heart, and amazingly, God always hears the cry, answering with His Guidance and will, for His glory and our best interest at heart. I have learned over many years to embrace these times with joy and anticipation at seeing God's mighty Hand work in our family, in our finances, in Preschool and the list goes on and on....... So I want to encourage you today, if God directs you to fast, be obedient to Him!!!!!The reward is more than I can put on this blog!!!


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