Tales of Mom Ellis

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside!!!!!!

For the past few weeks, because of the frigid temperatures, we have had to stay in at school. I think just about every day someone asks the big question " Mrs. Ellis, are we going out on the playground today? " I actually feel sad that I have to tell them no, and then of course being a three year old the next question is"WHY?" I have observed recently that their behavior is so different when they can't get their wigglies out in the fresh air. We have done obstacle courses with a balance beam, a mini-trampoline and a caterpillar to crawl through. We have hit balloons with paddles,(to Jana music), and today we used a parachute with them, but to no avail, they still struggle to sit still. I know this is normal for this age, but it is amazing how that 15 minutes outside brings a calmness to the classroom during circle times!!!I am looking forward to hopefully getting some outside time real soon, and meantime we'll just keep hopping and jumping and getting those wigglies out the best we can!!! ( I am learning to be content in all circumstances) :-)


  • At 6:56 AM, Blogger Hannah said…

    I can totally relate. Isaiah is younger but he gets a little bored being inside all day. Sounds like your keeping them busy! Great Job!
    I Love you!
    P.S. you can change your settings so you won't get spam posted on your blog in the comments section. Let me know if you need help or Lew can help.


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