Tales of Mom Ellis

Monday, August 27, 2007

Roots and wings

The above is a very familar expression, but what does it really mean? Years ago I read a book called" Learning to let go" by a Christian woman, and little did I know how God , my Heavenly " Papa" was preparing me for the last five years of my life! I learned that you begin to let go the moment the umbilical cord is cut and the process continues for many years, just a little at a time. Also, that if you do your job right, you basically "work yourself out of a job". Not in a bad way, because once a mom, always a mom at heart. But the Bible clearly states that you "leave and cleave" and I believe it is part of God's plan to make us "one".
Yesterday, a new page of my life has turned, as I sent my 18 year old "baby" to Hungary to study abroad for a semester at McDaniel College. And yes, today I am happy and sad. Happy that God in His Gracious Love and Mercy has opened wide this door of opportunity to see His Beauty in His Creation in another part of His World. I am sad because I am missing her already! But once again I am reminded that this is part of God's process to teach me to let go a little more with Charissa. I have given her roots deeply in Jesus, now it's time for her to try her wings! I love you, Riss!!!My prayers are with you day and night!


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