Tales of Mom Ellis

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Through the eyes of a child.......

The most wonderful thing about seasons is the " change". It brings new life,a "freshness" and a time to see the hand of God creating His "artwork" so that we, His creation can stand in awe and wonder!!!I have been conversing with the little children at Preschool about the changes that are going on outside. One day, as we were walking outside to the playground, a little boy remarked: "Hey, Mrs. Ellis, the grass is turning green and it's growing!!!" and another child responded enthusiastically" Yea, and GOD DID IT!!!!!" Wow, to see things through the eyes of a child. This is why I love my job. It is so amazing to listen to their simple, yet profound observations of the mighty hand of God and how He must smile from Heaven when He listens to them. Today, at circle time, I taught the children about the little boy who shared his lunch with Jesus for our Bible story. When we were done, and we were discussing what a Miracle it was for Jesus to make the bread grow, precious little Laila exclaimed: " God is so awesome!!" Today I feel like I understand more clearly what Jesus meant when He said that in order to enter the Kingdom of God you have to become like a little child!!!God loves it when we see Him in the little "wonders" of every day life.It pleases Him when we stop to" smell the flowers" look at the beautiful sky, listen to the birds singing their praises to Him,and just say "Thanks, You are so Awesome". I pray that my heart will always "childlike" for I know this is truely the way to God!!!


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